My literary works

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Chaos and Serenity

Book number two "Chaos and Serenity" is now on for the paper back edition.  It is also on where you can order the paperback version or get it for kindle.  Expanded distribution like B&N takes a few weeks. 

It took me a while.  I thought I had it done in October but when I re-read it again.  I changed some things and created an entirely different ending.  I hope you enjoy it.

We are in Palm Desert at the moment.  Will be moving to Menifee next week for 3 weeks.  

For those of you that haven't seen me in a while I may be hard to recognize.  I have shaved my beard, it got unruly, and I have lost 87 pounds in the last year.  

We're having good weather in the day and cold at night.  (Good sleeping).
Those that are in the snow and cold, get yourself a cup of hot soup, crusty bread and my book. (Too much?) Ha Ha  

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  Keep in mind what we are giving thanks for, I feel we have gotten away from the real meanings behind our holidays!

Take care!


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